Wednesday, February 5, 2014

"After All This Time?"

Some of you know this, and others of you might drop dead, but I have never read the Harry Potter series. Gasp. Breathe in...breathe out....
I was an extremely gullible child. You know all those Christian Parents who wouldn't let their kids read HP because of the magic? Well, I think my parents didn't let me read them because they assumed I'd probably try to make things levitate, etc..., and get angry when it didn't happen and try to burn down the house. To give a point of reference, I was in 6th grade when the first book came out. So, yeah, I was a little young.

By the time I realized I would survive if I had read them, I decided not too. I don't know why, but I just didn't. I went to college and I was basically the only one in all my friend groups who hadn't read them. But throughout the years, I have seen 4.5 of the movies, so I think that counts for something. I know it's not the same, but at least I'm not completely clueless.
After the last movie was released my News Feed, Pinterest and Twitter timeline were BLOWN UP with all these feelings. I loved how passionate my friends were, but to be honest, it didn't motivate me to read the books.
This past fall, I met a beautiful young woman named Veronica who is a baker, and basically just a really awesome human being. Recently she started to re-read the Harry Potter books and blogging about them in segments.  So, naturally, I thought, Veronica is really nice, and really cool, so I'm going to start reading the books and read her blogs alongside them!

I clearly have not started that. 

And now that JK Rowling has come out and said that she thinks Hermione should have not ended up with Ron, and should have married Harry , I'm over the whole entire thing.

Why in the world would I want to read books with a story line that THE AUTHOR has now regretted? Why would I spend literally over hundreds of hours investing my emotions into to characters, when I know that the author would have written this book a different way? Why couldn't she have just sat on her pile of billions, and silently regretted this? Why?? Millions of HP fans have been devastated, and me?? I'm not even a "fan" per se, and I'm upset enough to write a blog about this!!!

To me, it kills any hope I had of picturing all the cool things that exist in the wonderful wizard-y world. And to be honest, I had no idea that Ron and Hermione ended up together. I knew Harry got with Luna Lovegood (right? Is that right? Hold on...Googling.....) Just kidding, he marries Ginny. I TOTALLY knew that. But I seriously didn't know the Ron-Hermione match. So now I'm just sad, because, what if I wanted them to end up together?? What if I wished Hermione would have stayed single?? My hopes would have been ruined either way.

I'm sure I'll be able to get over this eventually, and I'll read the books, but for now, you'll have to excuse me while I mourn the loss of something I never had in the first place.


  1. Very valid point. Hard to believe in something the author doesn't even believe in 100%

  2. I dont really understand why everyone is so upset about this. The fact of the matter is, these characters aren't real. They only exist on paper, in the books, and nothing Rowling or anyone says about the characters outside of the books matters. Maybe she is right that, literarily (is that even a word?), it would have been better if Harry and Hermione had gotten together and maybe she is wrong. It doesnt matter. The fact is, Hermione and Ron get together (and nothing Rowling says now can change that) and Im sorry that that was spoiled for you but that is all it is...a spoiler.

    And to be fair, most artists are there own biggest critics. Can you really say that you dont want to read something that the author says isnt that good? Or enjoy a painting because the painter thinks its not his best work? Lots of talented artists think that their work isnt great.

    I actually admire Rowling's willingness to look at her work critically and say that maybe she didnt make the best choice. Shes not saying that it didn't happen or that she is going to rewrite the books to fix it. She is just saying that she was at a point in her life that that choice to put Ron and Hermione together was more of a wish fulfillment than it was good writing. I would be disappointed if she thought her books were perfect. There are flaws in them and its refreshing to see an author admit that.

    Rowling saying that she thinks Ron and Hermione shouldnt be together and it should be Hermione and Harry doesnt change the books or how I feel about these characters at all. I'm not really sure I understand why it offends so many people.

    I know this doesnt really apply to you, Star, because you are reacting to this as someone who has not read the books. I'm sorry that this aspect of the books has been spoiled for you. Yes, Ron and Hermione get together. Sorry. Thats what happens. Rowling cant change that now. You should read them, though. I'm a big fan. They are quite fun. (At least until book 4)

    1. Very good points, ashley!!
      I should clarify that I'm not offended, but I am just a little miffed by the spoiler. Really that's all I was getting at. I also don't get why there have been a million articles about it. But like i said, I haven't read the books, so I'm not really emotionally invested. And of course most of it was me being funny. You know me. :)
      But your point about her looking at her work critically is very is kind of cool that after all this time (see what i did there) she's still thinking about the characters and the journeys they had and how they could have been different. I'm guessing a lot of authors just drop their franchises and move on to the next. So I think she shouldn't be criticized. But WOW a lot of people are upset!! haha

  3. Thats why I said it doesnt really apply to you because you're not offended and not as emotionally invested as some people. This was more just my thoughts on the whole subject because a lot of people are very upset.
