Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday Funday: Just a dream.

*Before I start, I should make clear that I do not go to bars. I will also not reveal the name of  the person in my dream. For safety's sake.*

This morning I woke up and I couldn't believe it. SHE (we'll call her LM) was in my dream. It was bad enough that every time I saw her on television I felt inadequate. The boys love her. I have never seen a car-full of boys have bigger smiles except for the time they thought they were delivering a valentine to her. (They weren't. They were sad, I was thankful.) She's basically everything. Top athlete (like..TOP), tall, leggy, brunette hair that she wears long and straight, or effortlessly puts into a bun while she plays her sport. It was enough that I felt intimidated by her in real life. Then, she showed up in my subconscious.
The funny thing about dreaming is, as learned in "Inception," you always are planted in the middle of the dream. I have no idea what the beginning was. I was out with my family. We were going to a bar to hear a band play. And there was LM, At the door, checking IDs. I smiled, and let my siblings go first. I didn't say anything. I didn't want to make a fool out of myself. She looked down at me, (literally, she's 5' 11" and I'm 5' 3"), and raised her perfectly shaped eyebrow. I handed her my card and she nodded, then smirked. We went to cross the street, and I thought to myself I can't have LM thinking I'm a drunk. Because I'm not, and as soon as the words were circulating through my brain, I stumbled on something in the street. That's when it happened. I heard her laugh at me. I didn't have to look back to know. She was laughing AT me. I was mortified and wanted to yell. But I stood up straight and tall, and entered the bar. Then, the dream changed from there.

The funny thing is, based on what I know about her, that behavior is not her norm. She's apparently very nice. But why is it that even my subconscious is intimidated by her? This sounds like a job for a therapist, not you guys. I just wanted to share the fact that this woman invaded my dream space.

Morals of the story:
No more Doritos before bed.
No more stressing out over popular, beautiful, female athletes. I am me, she is she. And I hear she's super cool. I bet we could be friends in real life...

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