Sunday, May 26, 2013

Theatre: Rant edition.

A few weeks ago, an article came across Twitter with the title: Heroic Theatergoer Smashes Cell Phone, Gets Thrown Out. Of course, I'm all about hearing how people handle things themselves, especially when it comes to events in or about the theatre. (Seriously, before you continue reading this post, read that article. It's hilarious.)
 Everyone hates noisy audience members. There's nothing more distracting than someone who is not respecting the actors or the rest of the audience. Common courtesy, that we're all taught in Kindergarten, says that you shouldn't interrupt or talk over other people. Wait your turn. In the theatre, that translates to: As long as someone on the stage is talking, or performing action, your trap should be SHUT.

So let me tell you what happened to me last night. And I'm going to do it with Storify. (Which is really cool and good for putting your long Twitter stories/rants. all in one place.)

So. Please. Think about the people around you when you're an audience member.
 It's distracting to everyone,
 including the actors, and they are not paid enough to have you yapping in the seats. 

Thank you. 


  1. I didn't notice any of this :/
    Was I too interested in the play, or was I just oblivious?
